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The safety data sheet
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a structured document containing information about the risks of a hazardous substance or mixture. The SDS is the method for providing information to customers of hazardous substances and mixtures. The SDS stems from the obligations of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH).
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- asked- questions/zoeken/onderwerp/veiligheidsinformatieblad-vib
Which products require an SDS?An SDS is required for: (a product containing) a substance or mixture meeting the criteria for classification as hazardous under CLP. (a product containing) a substance that is persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) (a product containing) a substance included in the prepared Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern ​ An SDS is not required for: Certain product groups that are exempt from REACH, including cosmetics, foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals Objects with hazardous substances that are not expected to end up in the environment during 'normal' use, such as batteries. Products sold exclusively to consumers Products assembled on site, such as, for example, 'custom-made' mixing paint ​ Examples type of products with SDS - Paints - Detergents - Glue - Liquid batteries - Sprays
Why do my customers need an SDS?- Ensure that they have all legal documentation available during inspections - Classify whether your products are correctly classified as dangerous goods or non-dangerous goods. The classification determines how products are stored and transported - Determining how to take appropriate action for handling and disposal if a product spills or leaks in a retail store or distribution center - Provide their professional customers with information in the legally required manner
Why do I need to provide an SDS for some items?According to REACH you generally do not need to provide SDSs for articles. Many objects that intentionally release substances are regarded under REACH as substances or mixtures in containers. The substance as such or in the mixture in the container may still be subject to registration. Examples are ink in a marker, toner in a toner cartridge, paint in an aerosol can. When the mixture in such an article is intended to be released, an SDS is required. asked- questions/zoeken/onderwerp/stoffen-voorwerpen
How old can an SDS be?- Created or updated in the last five years - The latest GHS/CLP hazard identification information ​ ISA asks suppliers to confirm the validity or to supply a new SDS every 2 years.
Until how long am I obliged to deliver an SDS?When do you deliver? - You must provide the SDS upon first delivery of the product. - After that, the obligation applies to be able to make the SDS available 10 years after delivery. ​
What should be in an SDS?Content Prepared with all 16 standard SDS sections as defined by law
What language should the SDS be in?The SDS must be provided in an official language of the Member State(s) where the product, substance or mixture is placed on the market. ​ The current customer group of ISA is located in the Netherlands and Belgium, which means that SDS must be delivered in Dutch, French and sometimes also German, depending on which customers you supply.
Do I have to provide free SDSs?Suppliers must provide the SDSs free of charge. The law does not allow charging. ​
Why am I not allowed to refer to a website?The SDS (and any required update) must actually be actively provided and not just made available passively, for example on the Internet, or only handed over when requested. So, if an SDS is simply put on a website, or an email is sent with reference to a general website, the obligation to "provide" under REACH is not met. ​ ISA supports suppliers in many ways of active delivery and we look together with you for a way of procuring SDSs that is suitable for both parties.
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